Welcome to Oasis High School

Oasis is a voluntary, optional placement chosen mutually by the student / parents and the District.



Transferring Students

For current Fallbrook Union High School or Ivy High School students. Meet with our counselor, who will have you complete a Guidance Team Form.

Incoming 9th Graders or Students Outside FUHSD

Complete our Interest to Enroll Form. Fax it to Oasis High School (760) 723-6411 or email it to mjara@fuhsd.net.

Enrollment Process

Oasis is a voluntary, optional placement chosen mutually by the student / parents and the District. If for any reason, the modality of independent study does not work for the student, this option may be declined by either party and the student returned to the classroom seat-time instruction at Fallbrook or Ivy High Schools.

Students will meet individually once a week with their Teacher according to the day and time scheduled.   Oasis High School Students are expected to complete at least thirty (30) hours of homework each week to earn attendance credit. All assigned homework must be turned in by the appointment day. There are no excused absences in Independent Study at Oasis High School.  Students who attend Oasis High School must arrange for personal transportation to and from school; lack of transportation is not an acceptable reason to fail to meet for a scheduled appointment or submit completed homework assignments.  Regular communication with the Oasis High School Teacher is essential for student success 

Click HERE to read the California Department of Education's website about Independent Study, beginning with the page, "Is Independent Study Right for My Student".

Current Fallbrook Union High School or Ivy High School students

Students who would like to transfer to Oasis High School need to meet with their Counselor and complete a "Guidance Team Form" to request a transfer. Transfer requests are processed monthly and students are prioritized by space available and student need. To be eligible for Oasis High School, students should have the skills and ability to work independently at grade level and meet weekly assignment deadlines.

Incoming 9th Grade students or students who are coming in from outside the Fallbrook Union High School District

Please complete our Interest to Enroll Form and fax it to Oasis High School (760) 723-6411 or email.

Click HERE to download the form.

  • Transfer requests are processed monthly and students are prioritized by space available and student need. To be eligible for Oasis High School, students should have the skills and ability to work independently at grade level and meet weekly assignment deadlines.
  • For current Fallbrook Union High School or Ivy High School students. Meet with our counselor, who will have you complete a Guidance Team Form.

Oasis offers a fully online option for students interested in a virtual high school option can click below to learn more about our programs.